Life & Immigration: 17

Today is Canada Day, a federal holiday. This is the national day of Canada that celebrates the confederation of 3 British North American provinces (Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick) into what was referred to as the Dominion of Canada. This change took place on July 1, 1867 and is widely celebrated across the Country annually.

My Canada Day is being celebrated managing operations at work – yes, it’s a federal holiday but that does not take away the fact that I have team members in the field today, so I’m very available to support them. Outside that, I think I have a road trip planned today as I see the sun blaring outside my window.

June was a month that went by quickly and I spent most of it working, but as they say ‘time goes by when you’re having fun’, I guess that is what happened. I was also introduced to this awesome Korean DIY (Do-it-yourself) restaurant where you get to grill your own meal. It’s currently my top 2 spots in the country and I can’t wait to visit again, I even tried squids, not the most tasty dish but it was something new.

I should also mention that it’s summer and people are trying their best to get outside before the dreadful snow season called winter comes around, and then there’s me, comfortable in my nest. Anyway, I am a day late from publishing this issue of L&I but it’s better late than never. Until next time, here’s a link to the last 16, and Happy Canada Day to everyone celebrating.