Life & Immigration: 16

I drove a 2024 Tesla earlier this month and it is worth every dollar. So, my Persian friend recently bought a 2024 Model 3 Tesla and when I saw this sleek electric vehicle (EV), I thought it’ll be a good opportunity to take the same model for a spin, and I did. For anyone wondering, it drives different!

Image of a Model 3 Tesla Screen. Source: Incognito

This month of May is filled with birthday celebrations and we had a gathering of friends, and colleagues, giving us the opportunity to eat, drink, and get together with the nice people in our lives. Furthermore, I have been thrown into the fun world of data analysis at work, cleaning, monitoring and reporting the workings of our operations. This last one has definitely been one of my highlights because I talk about it any chance I get.

Summer is quickly approaching over here in North America and we spent the last weekend over at the beach, reading and enjoying the warmth before it’s time to shovel snow in a few months. Are you new here? Click here, to visit the beginning of this creative series about life.