2024: Family Day (Canada)

Family Day is a holiday celebrated in some provinces in Canada, for different reasons, and on different days. Marked on the 3rd Monday of February, the Family Day holiday is celebrated in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and New Brunswick. In Manitoba it is Louis Riel Day, in Nova Scotia it is Nova Scotia Heritage Day, and in Prince Edward Island it is Islander Day.

Generally, this holiday can be referred to as Heritage Day in Canada, although it is not a Federal Holiday as Federal Government employees work on this day across the Country. In Quebec, the three territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador, the third Monday of February is not celebrated.

Established in 1990, Family Day was initially celebrated in Alberta, as a day that reminds residents of the province the importance of spending time with their families. The 3rd Monday of February was chosen to coincide with Washington’s Birthday or President’s Day as it is commonly referred to in the United States, to avoid interrupting trade with the USA.

Washington’s Birthday is a Federal holiday in the United States that honors everyone that served as Presidents of the Country. It was first celebrated in 1879.