The Republic of Seychelles, commonly known as Seychelles, is an island country and archipelagic state consisting of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. It has a population of 100,600 residents as of 2022. The largest island in Seychelles is Mahé, which is the capital city of Victoria.
Mahé occupies an area of 157.3 square kilometers (60.7 sq mi) and has a population of 95,000 residents as of 2018. It is a popular tourist destination and is home to the country’s international airport.
According to recent reports, there was a massive explosion in the industrial part of Mahé, resulting in a 13-meter hole in the ground. This explosion occurred when four containers storing explosives detonated, causing significant damage to infrastructure. The blasts also affected the international airport, although it is still operational, over 170 people were injured.
Additionally, the island experienced heavy rainfall overnight, leading to severe flooding and landslides that led to 3 fatalities. As a result of these incidents, the president declared a state of emergency in the region, which has now been called off.