Hilda Effiong Bassey, popular known as Hilda Baci, has etched her name in culinary history by breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual. The Nigerian chef’s remarkable feat lasted an impressive 93 hours and 11 minutes, surpassing the previous record of 87 hours and 45 minutes set in 2019.
Following her graduation from Nigeria’s Madonna University, she decided to embark on a culinary career, inspired by her mother, Lynda Ndukwe, who is also a chef. Hilda’s four-day kitchen marathon, which commenced on Thursday, May 11, and concluded on Monday, May 15, saw her prepare 100+ pots of food.
According to Guinness World Records, the chef who was aiming for a 100-hour mark was penalized for exceeding the allotted time for one of her breaks. The rules governing such marathons allow participants a five-minute break for every consecutive hour of activity, which can be accumulated if unused. In Hilda’s case, approximately seven hours were deducted from her final total due to this oversight.
This exceptional achievement serves as a testament to her unwavering passion for cooking. Congratulations to Hilda!